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So question of the day is would you rather do dishes all day or would you rather do laundry all day so I really really hate dishes God do I hate dishes I rather sit there on the floor with 1 million piles of laundry and fold them for some reason laundry to Sue's Maisel makes me happy just sit there and just fold them clothes but there is something about Sandy they're doing them dishes I just cannot stand dishes so Laundry or dishes which one would you rather do
I rather stand there and do dishes all day long is sues me and it makes me calm and didn't notice it until my hubby pointed out to me but launching is as I am so OCD about it Hass to be done a certain way that it stresses me out and gives me anxiety so dishes is it suits me
Same literally same I hate doing the dishes so much and I actually really enjoy laundry it's like really satisfying to me I don't know but yeah it's like instead of having a house cleaner like literally if I could just hire someone to come clean my dishes every day like I would do that 100%