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As we know water is is very essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle a new note saying hydrated I know a lot of people don't say just drink a lot of water that we have no juice or fizzy drinks or things like that item to drink probably 2 L a day I love you more when I'm exercising in a day and year how much would you drink a day
I actually have a water bottle that measures the amount of ounces that I have so I usually try to get around 100 ounces a day I don't think I hit it every day I definitely hit like 80 but I'm trying to aim for the hundred
I have a water bottle that's about a litre and so I usually fill it up twice a day with my alkaline water and I can't even notice it like I'm just drinking it throughout the day because alkaline water doesn't bloat it's so easy to go through and I love it it's just easy and it's aluminum so it doesn't have like any plastic bleaching or anything like that so yeah I think that that would be a pretty good average to start off with and depending on your height in your weight and activity level you might have to drink more
Well I have a water bottle that kind of measures how much I usually drink but as a reason I haven't used it as much but I'd like to get at least like at least minimum elite top point five I'd say
Of course was essential I don't know how much I drink every day but I tried to drink I need to litres at even know how much the recommended amount is but I tried to drink today as every day as much as I can