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So for those who have gone through the break up process what does that look like for you I think my worst break up was definitely when I was like around 1920 I found out that he had two other girls he was quite emotionally manipulative it was a hot mess I think the process I went through was number one denial I was shocked by the things that I heard I was like no way was I with someone who was this deceptive number two was shock I was just shocked that I was in the situation I was like wow I always have stories about this but I never thought it would be me you know Number three I would say was peace is coming together that's what I called this phase I think I had so much and I was like wow everything makes sense now it was the revelation stage yes let's call it that revelation number four was anger I was so angry I said how dare you do this to me The point where I wanted to buy this house down don't tell anyone though I'm in number five is rage and you're probably thinking about anger rage are they not the other and like not the same things absolutely love number for was me just been angry number five was absolute outrage screaming I was screaming in my mother's bed and I just wanted to I just wanted this to end I was like why did this happen to me you know I didn't deserve that I was a great person to that guy What was your break up process like I would love to know the details for free to do multiple threads because I'm here to listen
The first thing you need to do in any breakup is go no contact. You need to start living a life without that person and seeing them and checking in on them is never a healthy way to go about it. Only prolongs things.
Yeah I definitely agree like no stalking them onto social media no contact just going back to the place you were before you used to live life without them and you're gonna have to learn how to now moving forward but yeah
I mean, we have all kinds of stories, baby. We got the dramatic breakups. We have the civil breakups. know there's there's a lot of stories in this pack.