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Alright, so I have curly hair and my hair has always been predominantly medium length too long, right? But over the last year or so due to COVID and my own stressors, my hair is quite damaged and I need to cut it, but I'm really nervous. And so I was wondering if any of you have ever experience that, where your hair, for one, you never had short hair. For two, you know, How did you feel after you cut it? And how short did you cut it?
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So a couple years ago I was in a similar situation to you. I have always had medium long curly hair. I've never ever cut it before. I never had short hair and I was constantly dying it, bleaching it and it got really damaged to the point where I needed to do a big chop. So I did cut my hair into a pixie cut and I was scared at first but afterwards it gave me a new sense of confidence because I really had to learn to love my face and not hide I'd be hard on my hair as much.
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Hey, Alicia. Thank you for taking the time to respond back. Sorry for getting back to you so late. I really appreciate you sharing that. I'm, yeah, I'm just scared to take that leap. Because I'm a business owner and I'm the face of my business, however, I think with myself right now, I don't like what I see in the mirror and I know that my hair is like, help us. All my hair strands are like, please cut us.
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Take a trip on the wild side you know chains can't be good so take a rest you'll like it always throw it back
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Oh yeah I I could grow it back but I don't know how long it's gonna take to grow back but I am but you write it doesn't matter anyways the damages here I got a cut it I don't have a choice I just have to find somebody to stylet and maybe give me some education that would be great I know I can look up stuff my own self but it's it's nice when you have somebody lake in when you're in the chair and they're saying hey like this is what you can use and this is how we can't add that in
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I did a big job about three years ago now and it didn't really matter to me because I always wear braids anyways but I don't know I just cut my hair off I went bald because I was like I don't care and I got called a little boy and whatever but at the same time like cutting your hair is basically a release of energy
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Hey Tia thanks so much for responding well we just chatted all of who was liberating and told it's really liberating to be able to like shave it all off and be like Bam I am I don't know how to do that so kudos to you I am but I feel like I would have to leave just like enough hair to Lake I want to never get it braided while I'm waiting for her to grow back
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At the end of the day, it's more about like what is meant for you versus your hair. Your hair is just hair, it's gonna grow back. Um, I have curly hair, I have type 4 hair. Um, my hair has never really been longer than past my shoulder, well my, I've had locks in my hair and that's when my hair was middle of my back and then like, I don't know, I got tired of them and then I combed my hair out and then it went back to shoulder length. you know as you know with curly hair it shrinks up really.
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It looked even shorter, but the bottom line is you can trim it, you know, if you really like want to hold onto the length, you can trim it. If it would be more helpful to your mental space just to have it short so you don't have to deal with it as much. And I say cut it off. I've cut my hair short. Matter of fact, I was growing it out for like the last four years and it only hit a little bit below my shoulder and I was finally just going to go for a trim and now it's in the taper again.
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Whatever you decide, I mean honestly it's something, it's something correct that could start to have short hair and maybe it's something you need to experience but I think like having shorter hair it is a little bit more low maintenance so if that would be helpful for your peace of mind I say cut it, if you know your hair is your thing then I say just get it trimmed and you know go to your curly hair salon and And yeah, have them take care of it.
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When my hair was really damaged, I didn't cut it. I trimmed it just a little bit and then I treated it with hemp oil.
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It's funny to ask this, I literally just cut my hair, like the shortest I've ever cut it. It's right at my jawline. The picture I showed her was not that short, but it came out that short and I just embraced it. It's just that Eric goes back, it happens. Just be thankful that you even have hair and it even grows, you know? And I adopted a whole new style now. I wear big earrings, I put half of it up sometimes. It's cute, I like it.
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Also, I have wavy curly hair and it was like just from straightening it and curling it over the years It was losing its curl and since I have cut it, it has definitely come back I don't know if it's like the weight of the hair or what or the damage, but it's popping again So I don't know if your hair will will benefit from the cut, but it might.
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hoping this helps you so here goes personally when it comes to hair something whereby if you cut it you literally need to wait years for it to grow back to a long length right or you need to wear extensions. I would say you need to be really really sure that you want to
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grow out your hair right, treat the hair that you have right now, grow it out and cut off the damaged bits bit by bit or just go for it and go for a short hairstyle. I've chopped my hair off before and I never regretted it, it was really really low like back in the day Rihanna short hair cut boom and I've also grew my curly hair out from severe damage. I can see through my hair but I did not chop it. I grew it out over years and I chopped it bit by bit by bit while the new one was growing into. I love bolts.
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So I keep telling myself that if I love my hair the way that I do and I love myself the way that I keep telling myself every day that I do I'm like them the best thing to do is to cut it right to just **** the bullet and hold the Band-Aid off no hesitation right just do it I did find a curly haired enthusiast a salon I don't know if that's a doubt that's what you call it but like I've had such a hard time trying to find hair salons in my area for my hair
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So anyways she is specific to a lake she specifically cuts curly hair and my hair is a hot mess like I'm not lying I literally wear it in like space buns all day long not all day like when I'm home I'll wear it in my phone bro but I won't wear it like I'll just because one side is shorter than the other and yes I know it's gonna take forever to grow back but I think that I would be happier ultimately because I don't like you causing damage
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I keep my head shot Sara call me I had to bother with it just keep his shot but Lego Monica I would say why do yourself water makes everything is it oh yeah
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