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There are reports that Netflix is interested in making an American remake of squid game what do you think about this like most remix I just think it's kind of pointless it's nothing new I mean you know studio seven taking popular shows and movies from other countries in Americanizing them for a while be like squid game would like so popular even more people in America like people are fine watching dubs or subs like everyone watched it so it's like doing like just an American version I just think it's kinda gonna come across as Hollow
Think so that Americans can pull that off guard good to be a jack in your van has done so they can give a try but on the scale on this squid game has been made and the directions and everything to production the other direction was just way too superior and to reach those labels I think so it's not a hard job
Yeah, I think it's pointless as well. The only way I can see it being interesting, if it's relating to American culture in terms of like American games that kids know when they were young, That's the only way I can see it being interesting for us.
Honestly, I don't feel like there should be an American remake. I think that this show is really really good It's one of my favorites to be honest So I feel like we should just leave it alone and just let it be what it is.