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Netflix came out with mighty Morphin Power Rangers once and always a new TV movie I'm curious where all the Power Rangers fans out there what is your favorite season of Power Rangers for me I'm a 90s kid through and through so I will always Simp for mighty Morphin Power Rangers it's for coming into the franchise in the first place I dressed up as the black Power Ranger like three years in a row for Halloween that was my jam but let me know your thoughts
I don't know for me I used to always fuck with the blue one man But most of my friends used to always say oh red won this red one that but I felt like he was everyone just picked the right one so I just went with a blue one.
So I never watched like a full season of Power Rangers but I watched episodes a bit here and there and then that movie that came out about it like I think it was like one of the newer movies like I'm out about it I watch that some I can't but I can't talk about favoritism