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All right so I want to talk about how relationships are living and breathing things like they absolutely require feeding nurturing rest rest your rest is paramount you are let the thing breathe like in real life you got a let that thing breathe because if you suffocate it you know it's not gonna survive in any regard so yeah and I said I don't have much to say about it I'm open on the floor as usual the floor is open and it's judgment free we can talk about this abs and flows minute abs and flows like any other living and breathing thing a grows you know and it dies now whether it dies prior to the humans attached to it or you know if the death of it is simply because the humans attached to it or no longer alive whatever the case it is a living breathing thing and we have to treated as such that means giving it room to grow and matriculate and and just exist the way it is going to because we control nothing but ourselves and some of us Can't even do that floor is open let's talk