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Fior Baptiste 710d
Fior Baptiste
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Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste 709d
Fior Baptiste
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Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
Fior Baptiste
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Having a safe space to explore what you are feeling and how what you're feeling is affecting you is absolutely paramount and at this stage in my life I am in on a new I'm in a new meta-tonic phase so like 19 years ago I was in a space that I'm no longer in and the meta-tonic phase to my understanding basically During this phase you're looped around you know to appoint and for me this has been an opportunity for me to do things better than I did in a previous space and it wasn't exactly 19 years ago for that in particular but that is where I am and it is a a sobering experience and if you know me then you know that I am a very philosophical person And sometimes when we have philosophies when we have those philosophies we don't have the practical Situation like when I have a situation to apply it to where we we just go off of what we think we would do and then we build a philosophy based off of that and sometimes you know we get real world experience with our philosophy And in those times when we get real world opportunities you know to live our philosophies we realize the brevity of saying philosophy so then we're challenged with if we even believe you know that philosophies is something that we truly believe based on an actual or actual lived experiences or if we
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Or if we were just talking and so now I'm in a state of where I have to walk it like I talk it. and the philosophy is not.
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The philosophy is not a hard one it's just like OK now put this in practice and it's it's interesting and I just feel like in the spaces we absolutely need to have in our community business this is about polyamory income in relation
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The importance the importance of having the right kinds of partners with a steady hand of care is is a cornerstone for safety and you know being able to express yourself bump your head in touch so yeah
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So the floor is open do you have input do you have confession you have a knowledge man whatever no judgment this is judgment free zone floor is open
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Today I tackled identifying and upholding boundaries and it was a doozy you guys. Storytime.
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OK so long story super short I had a boundary challenged him today and if it sat me is that me on my ass like I've I was struggling for a little while this morning
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I bring that boundary to my partner and I express how I feel and there are a baby of emotions going through me because I'm emotional and not liking it.
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Emotional not liking it all and I'm just like OK we have to discuss this and I was terrified because I don't have a history of partners being super Duper supportive of how I feel about things
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And so as a result, I went in still wearing past trauma and I spoke to him about it. And he always listens and affirms just my vulnerability.
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He doesn't always agree but he never belittles my feelings and he always gives them an honest honest listen and then we can all come up with a solution
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We tackle everything from the root of Sarasota like what would prompt a day where to come from if it's old if it's current you know that we discussed a boundary and he apologize for crossing the boundary
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And it wasn't the outcome that I expected because I walked into it with fear. But I also walked into it with bravery because to enforce a boundary is difficult sometimes.
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And the bravery of a force in the boundary can you know ultimately potentially lead to you disconnecting from the person across the boundary and that was a worry
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But fortunately, the I was met with love and support and it is absolutely paramount and I cannot stress this enough. It is absolutely paramount that you have a partner or partners who are safe spaces, period.
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So in short I say if you have a boundary if you have something that you feel is open and read stop you know do not pass go stick to it you know
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