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Hey guys so my question is does being a Situationship mean that you have low self-esteem and what I mean by that is do you think that you have self-worth if you are in a situation ship with your not communicating strict take me boundaries or we need to be exclusive allergies like why are you in a Situationship if you know your self-worth
Duration ships are difficult I don't think it means that the person has low self-esteem so fat that they want to be with that person but it's not being reciprocate or they're not being shown what is actually the past
No, it doesn't mean that you have low self-esteem. I just feel like you're doing what works best for you at the time. Like if you don't want a relationship but you cool with just being friends and benefits, like that's what it is, you know?
I think I probably should've reiterated that Situationship is usually use like in a negative connotation where it's like y'all are in a situation but it's not a relationship somehow someway somebody's not communicating their boundaries
Oh I kind of think that because you're not communicating your boundaries when it comes to wanting a relationship speaking up about a relationship of not communicating that and being an ambiguous place that's not a relationship does
It does mean in my opinion that you have slow self-esteem because why are you not fighting for yourself why are you not fighting for your self-worth that could mean a relationship situation should just be the situation you're doing with somebody you're not with them