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I would like to know if you are a person who gives second chance. I believe that we all deserve a second chance but I also believe that there is a limit to to where this cannot be given.
I I do believe in second chances but exactly like you're saying and there's a limit and the only way I can give second chances of the first time wasn't horrible like if it wasn't bad if it was better than I don't think I'll get one
I'm a big believer of grace so yes second chances are some thing I believe in but when a person really does repent it means that they're turning away from that original action and going in the opposite way and making up for it rather than apologizing over and over again it means that they haven't changed anything
And I believe what I'm giving a second chance and I believe in forgiveness but I don't always feel like a person needs a second chance because if you were here to teach a lesson But that doesn't mean
It doesn't mean I'm going to welcome you back in whatever aspects of my life the same exact way as from when you messed up the first time, if that makes sense.