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Flora Raynham 722d
Flora Raynham
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Minhaz 722d
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Jacob Marley 721d
Jacob Marley
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Flako 721d
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Odil Jumanov 721d
Odil Jumanov
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Deleted user 721d
Deleted user
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Druka 721d
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Jordan Williams
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Pixie Glitter 721d
Pixie Glitter
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Are you a fan of movie trailers I know that there are people that like to wait for the release of trailers to get more information about a film to get first look say that's for me personally I just can't I don't watch them I purposely skip trailers of movies are coming just starting I just don't wanna see anything about a film before I go in a problem watching
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I love watching movie trailers I think sometimes you get the best little snippets when you get to see them in the film and it flows in mind a little bit but I think they're great to watch them and a great fun
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I like movie trailers but I understand that a lot of times it feels like you've just watched the whole movie in the trailer alone
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Yeah try to schedule as myself together because if there's a film I know I'm gonna watch but I'm not gonna watch it either way then I will be supporting J.Lo why do you think is an ore may controls like I've seen amazing trailers so
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Are used to do a lot when I was a kid because it will get me the height of a phone but now like you haven't come down and I've tried it and it is a much more rewarding experience are you going completely blind because we truly know what to expect but without it you don't
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Yeah actually before whenever I watch a movie I always look at the trailer if it's really good some kind of you know some kind of unexpected things happen that I will really watch it
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I enjoy movie trailers and watching them but I just never do watch them like when I do I enjoy them but I usually don't wash them so
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I really hate it. It does my head in because they put all the best bits of the movie in the trailer and the funniest part. And when you go watch the movie and you see the funny parts, they're not funny because you already see them in the trailer. Shocking.
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Fuck no, the boring is fuck. Plus, spoil is ahead of time so who the fuck wants to see that? Sometimes you skip new outros as well.
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I used to always, always watch the trailer before a film, but now recently after watching a film without watching the trailer and the film was amazing because I didn't know what to expect, I kind of stopped.
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I like to watch them to get an idea of what the movie might be but you also have to be careful because the trailer is the highlight reel sometimes the movie isn't that great and they're just showing you the best parts
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