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Alisha 556d
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Taylor 555d
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Jania Torres 555d
Jania Torres
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Good afternoon everybody it is almost 5 o'clock and I'm just now getting to posting on here if you can't tell I am very sick my boyfriend actually stayed home today with my Saturday because my son and I have caught a bug I think we have a pretty bad sinus infection I'm hoping we're better by tomorrow since my boyfriend will have to go back into work I'm a little stressed because I just don't do good at keeping my cool when I don't feel good Because I don't like when I don't feel good and then I have a baby that doesn't feel bad just clingy help me it just gets very stressful but I know it's neither of our faults but today I'm just kind of taking it easy we did get outside and went and got some medicine but hopefully we start feeling better
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swear to goodness this bug is going around I know we had it so many people I know got this bug like this specific bug where you're just, boy, I just find it crazy.
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That sucks. I'm so sorry and I hope you feel better soon because I know the bug is going around and it's been rough. So, I'm sorry and I hope you feel better soon.
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Yeah, I think it's the worst, not only when the baby doesn't feel good, but when you don't feel good because you have no choice but to be there for the baby, but I'm glad your boyfriend was able to stay with you for at least one day.
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