Hello, good afternoon, I wanted, I wanted to, uh, I'm going to contribute on a talk that was done here on stereo, and the talk was on, I believe the, uh, subject was the psychology of hypocrisy, but it was definitely on hypocrisy, and the user that, um, did this talk, his username is underscore D-U-B underscore, so on the psychology of hypocrisy, I wanted to touch, or not even touch, I just want to say that this is something that i thought on and uh you know with no um it did not go very far but with that short um short thought that came to me i was thinking that hypocrisy is something that we are always subject to and that um it's not something that we can get away from or say that we can fully like wash away within ourselves because we are limited by our experiences and what we what we experienced so So unless we can account for the multifaceted world of experiences, and I mean personal experiences that human beings have, like know what it means to, like what has shaped them and what lives they have led and what the meaning of those circumstances were to that life, we can't ever really, I think hypocrisy will show up in some way eventually, whether Whether or not it's given the opportunity to show itself is another question, but I think it's still inside of us somewhere. And what I wrote was something I wrote on my notes. The truth is we always have hypocrisy because unless we've had a perfect life and been exposed to everything in all situations that people have dealt with, we are limited by what we know and what we've encountered. So I think this mindset doesn't fully encapsulate the truth. Everyone has their own truth because everyone has their own truth. So I don't know if it's something that we can fully do away with but it is something that maybe it is just a natural part or consequence of the world we live in.