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Am I the reason why I like my parents is because they give me space my biological parents my stepmom she don't really give me space she kind of bombard my space
Well you know you may love your parents but they're not here with you forever type shit so you might as well love your parents because you don't know the day that they cannot go away from you and then imagine if it's your last day with them and you say you hate them and never get to see them
The older you get the closer you should get to your parents because you are start to understand what it's like to be an adult and what it's like to deal with these young ass dumb ass kids
I do not because my mom and so she's a fucking Tina through it makes everything about herself and victimized switch off my data fucking psychopath and um yeah he's crazy as fuck he put a gun to my head so I can book my plans are for the bed
How come a question is there if you love your parents then it's not really a like your parents kind of situation love your parents means more than just liking so the question immediately gets thrown away but yeah I love him
Do you ever heard of the phrase like I want you to eat but not at my table I don't want you to be good I want you to be successful I want you to be great at love but I don't like you so I'm not at my table