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Bonqueque The llllllllllllllll
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Dissy 480d
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Anagha Ahire 480d
Anagha Ahire
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Healthcare in the US isn't that great, but should mental health days be included in employee benefits packages? I think they should and they should be their own standalone like benefit apart from like sick days or Vacation days or paytime off I I don't know if it'll actually happen, but I think it definitely is something that should be done.
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No, but because people be taking advantage.
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100% that would end up way less shootings. It would give them more of an insight on what the fuck they're doing wrong. Like for their company and shit, like they can change shit. I mean I know most mental shit is supposed to be private, but I feel like it would be do really good if they could opt in.
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It's too often to like show you like this is what's causing stress for these people and etc etc And I feel like it would do a lot better in a working industry. I feel like we do a lot better in like saving lives I feel like it would just make the world a happier and less hostile place, you know?
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Yes, they definitely should.
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