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Jordana 680d
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Kaylaaa 680d
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I said what do you do when you're bored cause as parents I feel like kids don't do what we say that you will be doing Right and so like leaving by example is a huge deal but sometimes we have habits that we're not like oh my guess is talking to her for OK son and our children are just kind of mimicking our behavior not understanding why they're not doing well I'm saying like in the example of boredom figuring out creative ways to occupy our time may be showing them that we are selling some hobbies that you know have to do is create Tivitt he yes Our attention and our healthy habits are hobbies that we may partake in do you have any hobbies for me I can collage in a lot lately I've been doing a creative project and that that has been really fun to be honest
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I like to make different crafts on my cricket
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I when I have time I like to sew and I make like little hair accessory's for you like little ones and for adults I do like headbands scrunchies head wraps for babies all different kinds and stuff like that so yeah
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