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Nina Hasbrouck
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Do you guys keep notes of like interesting things that your children say? Because I have a little like no area and I have an app on my phone called Bear that I put my notes in and I literally put like quotes that my son says that I feel like are super either funny or wise and I date them and when I reflect and I'm looking back at all the things he says he literally has like Joaquinisms that I love. Like an example that he has said is you can always be really good at something but you can never be perfect. And it's like things that as an adult we already know but that we forget and when you hear from a child and they say something like that, it just feels more impactful. Do you keep any notes of quotes that your children say?
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Thanks for sharing that they are app I'm gonna have to check it out my daughter is only nine months but I've already feel like she's gonna have some things that she says that I'm definitely going to want to document so thanks for sharing
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