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Jena Schuerman
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I'm just like to like piggyback off my previous post Just want to give him like coping skills very intense emotions which of course like that feels very important to me and I wanted to be like a very healthy emotionally regulated human in the world We've been starting to put together and he's really like he is eight years old and knows how to use nice and of course I supervise but he'll make roasted potatoes he'll make broccoli and he knows how to make chicken so like at this point he can make himself a little meal never been times like with my supervision he will handle off the top of the wall I do that other thing It's also really great activity to do that involves creativity and it's something that I used to do to regulate anxiety night I felt like it would be OK for him to just use his time and attention attention that has a good work because he loves one And feel good about it
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This can definitely be a struggle in my house my kids whenever they're bored I know sometimes they like to argue with each other or nitpick and then they just wanna snack all the time because they're bored so I try to you know encourage coloring or I try to encourage her to play a game or encourage my oldest to go play Barbies and my son you know play what he wants to play and sometimes it gonna be hard to Yeah
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