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Next week I'm gonna be going on a hike and I'm so excited because this one's gonna be longer than the others that I've done And it's one of my favorite ones But I'm gonna be hiking around 10 or 11 miles But the most I've ever hiked is 16 back when I went with my dad and my dog And it was a lot of fun just that we did end up hiking for 12 or 13 hours It was a while, but it was the most beautiful scenery that I've ever seen What is the longest hike you've ever done?
So my junior year of high school like towards the end of it We had like a junior class trip that was supposed to like bond us for like senior year or whatever And I went to a small high school. So my graduating class was like 40 people so we went to the Shenandoah Valley and we split up in like groups of like five or six and We hiked all day and we got to like pick whatever hikes we wanted to do So I think like collectively in like the three days we did like over 15 miles emails!
It was like super fun like I think we did like five or six miles a day depending on like what route we took and like I went over them like we were like rock climbed and like went mountains and then we went down we found waterfalls and basically just kind of like explored until like It was the last day and we had to hike back to like where the bus was picking us up But since we were in these like small groups and we had like a teacher like per group We basically got to like choose like where we wanted to go and like what we wanted to hike.
Oh my goodness I love you so so so so much I would've wished that my high school would've done that instead of grad night so when I miss my park I would've wished for us to go hiking because it just seems like a really nice bonding moment because you really go through every single emotional hiking especially if it's your first time and it's just so funny to see everybody in the same position that you are in the way that you're feeling they're feeling and I love that that's an amazing amazing amazing memory
16 miles that was not the intent but the path or the trail I'm sorry the trail that we intended to walk was closed due to flooding which was 2.5 miles which is what we were expecting but we were like fuck it we're already here so 16 baby 16 all I gotta say is bring as much water as you can carry
That is such a crazy experience because I went through almost exact same one last year no two years ago when we were supposed to do small hike it was a small one it's what it was supposed to be 3 miles I believe because we did some rock climbing but someone got the right idea of going up a mountain because they found a little trail that trail was never ending and we ended up making 14 miles we got there at 7 AM and we got back to the car at 6 PM so I agree with you to take all the water that you can
Thank you so much honestly this is one of my favorite hikes that I am done especially because it's going to be a full family hike for my dad's birthday he's gonna be turning 58 it is so insane but he's the one that wanted to go on this tomorrow hike so we're gonna be going through a couple of rivers and at the end we're supposed to see this amazing scenery which I've already seen and it is amazing so yeah I'm just excited to go with them
I'd say the most I've walked during the hike is maybe like seven miles. Probably actually a little bit more, but I've walked all the way up a hill like a mountain before. So I don't know, it could be more, Pr Knox, for Naval Safety Park two senators, we applaud Avi VicepL acerca however am theウ-Jvelin수RFайтесьgiving Friday 7th blossom in July 2015 with 8 million subscribers. Whoo, ooh. They are pretty good speakers.
Nice honestly those hikes are you have to go up hills cliffs mountains are the most grueling ones because they just take your arrow like you feel you might be athletic but once you go up one of those air humbles you were really does humble you feel like you have asthma at the end because of how much you have an above him but I get you that even though you say 67 miles is nothing nothing I know that it was just tough
Yeah, so typically I like to travel light when I hike, but this time, oh this day I was like, oh, we're going to do it the maximum. So I up the level on my video game and I went with nothing. No shoes, no phone, no water, no snack, no anything for about 15 miles. And with a vague memory of the map, which was wrong. So yeah, that was an all-day venture.
You are lying oh my goodness just just just with you saying that you were barefoot I already knew this thing where there's a mention was going to be just insane because I don't think I would ever do I hate barefoot mainly because I know of all the pebbles gravel signs of how things are just so slippery you're so wobbly that you can easily hurt yourself the girl I give you props for that for completing it because Not simple thing to do