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Abdul 690d
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Mo 690d
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Alisha 690d
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Erik Q 689d
Erik Q
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Liangelo Baker
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John Sina 689d
John Sina
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Caroline Forbes
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Rropt 685d
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Alright my question is do you think that on a personal trainer is a rip-off what do you think is worth it let me know cause I haven't had a bit of a day and son was telling me the cost of £50 over I did not know that so let me know if it's worth it or if you think it's a rip-off and with other ways to learn let me know
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No I fill out right now there's enough YouTube videos out there and information out there where you don't really need a personal trainer maybe pre-Internet error personal trainers necessary but I don't think it's necessary now unless you like mad fat then get a personal trainer you need something fishy
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I think some of this is more for motivation then actually do you workout because the workouts are there you can just go on Google and find out what the workout is
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I think it depends on your black what you want if you want if you want to achieve something in a gym losing weight or getting like really big then you maybe should get a PT what if you're not doing all that you're just cause you're going to the gym then there's no point
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I feel like a personal trainer is only worth the money if you're the kind of person who struggles to have self-discipline. Because honestly with TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, you can easily put together your own workout plan and learn about, you know, the muscle groups and all that. so I really don't feel like they're necessary.
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It depends on what you're trying to achieve, but me personally I think they are ripoffs. The majority of them are sold, they just send the same shit.
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I think it really depends on your level of fitness and how much you know about fitness and gym, you know so for anyone who's an absolute beginner and Has got a lot of weight then maybe might be a good investment But you've been going for a long time like myself, which I use YouTube videos and even friends who are more experienced than you. I guess I wouldn't really pay.
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I can't lie, it's only worth it, obviously if you've got the money to spend, fair enough. And if you're not really experienced in the gym, then yeah, I understand. If you're decently active, you know what you're doing in the gym, it's always the money man.
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In a way I feel like if you've got the money, it's worth it. But if you don't, then just do it by yourself. But then again, it depends how advanced you are in the gym.
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I feel like they are worth especially if your person trying to reason as we as a personal trainer assessor motivate you and help you get through that hurdle of losing weight
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I wouldn't say so you can go on YouTube for tutorials on how to you to suck my **** You need to have someone next Opinion
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