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Jennica 695d
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Laura Ortiz 695d
Laura Ortiz
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Rahi 694d
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Sunshine 692d
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Wayne Zode 691d
Wayne Zode
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So I just wanted to know have you ever fasted, whether that be for your own choice or whether you did it for religious reasons or whatever. I just wanted to know have you ever fasted and what is the longest you've ever fasted because I've seen online that some people have gone crazy amount of days of just war or with no water and no food and yeah just wanted to know what what what have you tried
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Fastest and longest time I've fasted for is like 19 hours, 20 hours max. It's hard, but I feel like if you're busy throughout the day, drinking water and electrolytes really helps and not having things with sugar and eventually you're not really that hungry by the time you... it comes to like
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I have never done it before. I don't like to put my body under those kind of situations if I feel that I don't need that.
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A few years ago was the longest of 16:17 hours
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I did intermittent fasting for a long long time that I've so I done the 16-8 fast so So yeah, everyday I would fast forward $16.
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The longest time ever faucet for it was three days and my buddy deafly went through a lot of changes I will say the only thing to me that I found to be the hardest part about fasting was the moments where I was bored and I was like oh but I wasn't even hungry I was just like bored and does go without something to do and I was like no it's not do not eat that so in times like that I was like a pickle juice and drink some of that thank you
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I have fasted for religious reasons but I don't know what the longest time thank you brother The longest time is the formula for Norman
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