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Natalia Lavaggi
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Heccy 686d
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I think it's important to be healthy. Not just physically, but like your immune system and stuff. So, as a man that always likes to strife off, so better. and let me know how do you go about not improving your immune system.
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For me I take like a holistic approach to maintaining my immune system so getting enough sleep making sure I'm drinking good quality water having a balanced diet and not consuming too many excess inflammatory foods like processed sugar and fast food and then during seasonal cold season and that kind of thing boosting it with more vitamin D vitamin C and sometimes even echinacea but also maintaining a happy soul is very important to
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I am I'm literally recording this from the toilet right now so there's like a lot of regretting what I'm saying but I'm just not gonna have talking anymore you know I'm in I'm more I have a little water park I think the water the chocolate ratio wasn't home off and on yeah I'm learning from my mistakes
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I just clocked you said immune system are not digestive system am I think it's probably something now you know ha ha be healthy healthy no make sure you get plenty of exercise I am at the cinema is exposure I am going on a solution of the Houston used to eat stuff that you wrote on the floor in the gym just try and improve his immune system bit dirty but you know be gross and even if it were to be honest but no he know I'll give him
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