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Renee Shelkey 515d
Renee Shelkey
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Rose Emanuel 515d
Rose Emanuel
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Anayeli Cazares
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Anagha Ahire 515d
Anagha Ahire
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Adea Sfarqa 515d
Adea Sfarqa
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Am Mek 515d
Am Mek
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James Cartmell
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James Cartmell
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Jayde Alexandria
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And while we're on the subject of water, what are some things that you've done to make, you know, your water intake easier for you throughout the day? One example that I listed was, you know, slicing up strawberries or cucumber, lemon, and putting it into your water to make kind of like an infused water. Also just adding it into like a fun cup. I've bought a few cups that, you know, make it like fun I guess or not fun but just you know you you gravitate towards the cup more so you want to drink more so yeah let me know what do you do to get your water intake.
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For me, I use the circle, but the flavors they have, they're really good, and I drink so much more water now. I can, I stayed completely hydrated one before I wouldn't drink very much water.
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I actually invested in a massive water bottle and for some reason I can drink that shit all day like I don't know what is about it being like a bottle of water with a straw but I can't go through water like crazy when it's like that but when it's in a glass it takes me ages to sip
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So myself and every time I put a water jug or bottle on the table and I walk around it it makes me want to drink water so I always tell myself hey you need to take your vitamins and drink water here you need to do this you need to intake more water that's what I do I put water in my table so I can see it and make sure I drink my water that I need to
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I honestly just put alarms on my phone I remember it was super hard for me to stick to drinking enough water and even though I have water bottles with like the measurements on it I would just forget and so putting like our block alarms or reminders health looks like OK like it's time to drink now especially when you're licking the sound
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I just take a bottle with me everywhere I go because I feel like drinking from the bottle is easier for me to drink from a company
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What you can do is get a bottle and I told you look like the timings when you should drink without Bluetooth turn off
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Yeah I need tips I need tips to because I'm someone that doesn't have a great first drive and gets really dehydrated but I'm just a couple apps you can get on your phone that I'm trying and also have a litre water bottle and you can give yourself the gold to drink like two of them or 3 am in the day just to ensure you're getting what you need I think you're having a drinking out of a water bottle instead of a glass is a really good idea cause you can keep filling it up throughout the day
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Also drinking through a straw and maybe psychologically I've been doing that I think you do drink more and you drink from a straw I think with me anyway
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Add a lemon or lime to your water super helpful just make it fun or heavy like a sippy like a straw or like a sippy water bottle helps a lot
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