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Oky Oky 550d
Oky Oky
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Should fast food restaurants be required to display calorie and nutritional information on their menus Personally I would love that Not just like for you know the calorie counting and what not but maybe that way people can start like being more mindful of what they consume I mean I'm I don't always pick like the lowest calorie or healthiest option because sometimes I do want you know like that big burger or whatever but I think it would help people be a little bit more conscientious of what they are putting in their bodies
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What would be the point of that? If you're eating fast food, obviously don't give a fuck.
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If you're going to a fast food restaurant, you ain't fucking there to be healthy, so...
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Yes 100% 100% because not not a lot of fast food restaurants show how many calories are the nutritional information like for every meal wanna be really nice if they had that
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If you kind of get into shape and everything, then obviously you prefer them to show you a button. I'm already fast, you can calculate yourself anyways.
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bro my name is Dimitrius Dimokris I'm 64 and personally, bitch shut your fuck up okay no one gets it for about galleries it's just fucking food putting your mouth comes out of your ass. Simple, simple shit.
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