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Stephanie Bligh
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If any of you are gluten-free, what are your best tips to stay away from those two things when you're first in the beginning stages of that diet? I've been trying to go gluten-idary-free for a while now because my doctor said it would benefit me because of some issues I was having, but I'm not really sure the best way because every time I've tried, I just can't stick to that diet because there's just so many foods that include gluten and dairy but I'm trying to just stop one at a time. I think I'll start with gluten first because I already kind of stay away from dairy but gluten is super hard for me too.
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I'm just looking for gluten-free foods in the supermarket store is the most useful myself with things probably just be packaging as well so just looking after
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Yeah, since going gluten-free or trying to, I have to notice that there's so many alternatives nowadays with like so many brands using gluten-free alternatives.
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So I eat gluten and dairy free and I think when you first start like you get really really hungry because you're not having that gluten I never really had dairy anyway bed and try not to eat the process gluten-free foods because they're actually worse for you so just sticking to a whole food diet trying not like definitely not eating bread obviously but don't eat the gluten-free versions of bread use
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That's actually a really good tip. I feel like I was thinking a lot about like what kind of gluten-free bread and stuff I would get but But it's probably so much healthier just to kind of stay away from that in general and just eat whole foods and fresh foods.
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