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Isa Manson 696d
Isa Manson
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Topfloorceo 695d
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Do you guys make an effort to make sure you're buying only organic produce? Growing up, my mom was very like natural and into organic stuff and so she like engraved in my brain to only buy organic produce and so now I'm pretty good about making sure that I do that and buy like mostly produce that's in season at the grocery store but I'm wondering if you guys are like that or if you grew up like that or if you have just recently started buying organic.
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I am when I was growing up my mom definitely did not care about whether something was organic or not organic I sort of just learned on my own the importance of it and so when I go to the store I try to buy like I I go to grocery stores that have all organic produce which is pretty awesome but I don't necessarily buy everything else organic
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I mean if you if someone tells me that is organic and health benefits I'll probably get it but otherwise like I don't intentionally shop for organic like produce
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