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Jessi 689d
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Natalia Lavaggi
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What is your daily non-negotiable food or drink that you must have every single day in order to stay healthy? So for example, some people make sure to eat fruit every morning or drink tea every night So what is the one thing that you have to do every day to make sure your body is in tip-top shape?
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My daily nonnegotiable is my shake it has a lot of protein but it's a meal replacement shake but it doesn't always fill me up so I have food with it but as long as I have that I feel like I got a lot of good nutrients cause lotta super foods and it's a really good one so once I have that then I kind of eat just balanced the rest of the day
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For me I would say it's the alkaline water that I'm drinking nowadays so I love to have my daily smoothie with blueberries but there are some days just depending on my routine that I don't have it but I cannot not have my alkaline water it's made such a difference in just the clarity that I have an energy and I just feel so much better when I'm fully hydrated with that kind of water so for me that's become a nonnegotiable now
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