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Natalia Lavaggi
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Lizzie Aomi
Now I hate collagen water, it literally just like tastes so disgusting but I always have a collagen vitamin tablet so that's definitely up there with my go to everyday tablet but particularly when I'm on my period I like to take B6 on a normal day as well well as of right now I tend to be increasing white intake of biotin. I also like to take ferrous fluorine rate which is an iron supplement. Again my anemic people if you can understand you can understand. Yeah and I also like to take probiotics but those are my go-to vitamins.
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So I'll normally add my collagen to my smoothies so they don't taste it and then I take probiotics on a daily basis I take vitamin D in the fall winter months in early spring because where I live the sun doesn't really come out until about this time of the year and other than that I don't really tell Jan omega omega is also really important for anti-inflammation and anti-inflammatory effects and I take one that's formulated specifically for skin health which is amazing I've noticed a huge difference
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We literally take the same exact vitamins like I take those ones as well.
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