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Okay so just a curiosity how much does everyone pay for the gym membership for me is right now is £15 a month but only for the first six months as a new gym open up recently and then he's going to go to 26 point move I believe it's not too bad but yeah let me know much do you spend
I paid ten dollars a month at Planet Fitness and only at that location. I ain't got the black card, but it's a good deal. You know, it's right by me, so it's convenient.
Right now I pay 15 a month membership itself is actually like 35 but my the owner of my jammies it's a private gym works with peoples incomes and I think that's pretty cool
I'm getting so jealous by listening to these voice clips like I'm hearing 1525 $35 a month here in California it's it could easily be like $100 a month
I'll be 15 as well but also the 20 for my uni gym so altogether is roulette 35 and when you add it up like that it's like that might be a lot but it's really just I want a pound pound something a day or two deep