Movement Morning Show: LDE (Little D*** Energy)We’ve all heard of BDE (Big D*** Energy) so let’s fully clarify to everyone what the opposite is. How would you define LDE? Then more importantly what does that look like in/on people in 2022? Are some people attracted to this energy? Is it because they have LDE themselves or do opposites attract?!?
Movement Morning Show: Partnered PubertyWe’ve all grown into relationship’s or turned away at points. What were some defining moments for you as a couple? How long was your Honeymoon phase and what was it like? How to do you communicate through your evolving relationship?
Movement Morning Show: The Sex RaceWe haven’t done a sex talk in awhile. So let’s talk about how we talk/deal with sex when it comes to different race. Do you think your race handles sex issues differently or does it have nothing to do with it? Maybe it has more to do with your social class? Maybe the culture you were raised in? Let’s discuss all the outside factors that may or may not dictate what happens inside the bedroom
Movement Morning Show: Achievement UnlockedWe’re back on our hypotheticals to start out the week. Our questions are going to focused on gaming being infused to our day to day lives. Then of course Vice versa.. One video game aspect (HUD, Fast Travel, skip feature; etc) you would like IRL? What games world would you like to explore? Which characters would to like to meet and why? And much more!!
Movement Morning Show: Apologies/ForgivenessAre apologies the initiation to forgiveness or verbal confirmation you have forgiven? Do we feel as though we have to apologize for moral reasons or social structures? What are your boundaries for an apology? All this and... you guys know 🔥😂