Do more nothing. The philosophy of the Tao. Wu wei means – in Chinese – non-doing or 'doing nothing'. ... This is the paradox of wu wei. It doesn't mean not acting, it means 'effortless action' or 'actionless action'. It means being at peace while engaged in the most frenetic tasks so that one can carry these out with maximum skill and efficiency.
What’s your spirit animal? Even if you relate more to Animal's crazy shenanigans or fancy yourself a Miss Piggy-like diva, Kermit deserves consideration as your spirit Muppet.
Ready for an upswing 🚀🚀🚀Join Tuck and Sim as we jettison across the universal highway of our minds and explore infinite galaxies of inquiry!
The RV Effect Ep.4People say the darnedest things! Have you ever really thought about what a person might look like if... they talked about both sides of their mouth?
The RV Effect Ep. #3Do you see what I see? How many different ways can the same situation be seen? Well then... if we’re both looking at the same thing... who is right? They say follow the money; that always true?
The RV Effect Ep. #1A lot of things happen out on the road. Mayhem and miracles... conundrums and clarity... we encountered a wormhole! Join us on this full moon day... let’s howl like the wolves!