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Mona 157d
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Mona 157d
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Mona 157d
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Mona 157d
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Mona 157d
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Amber 152d
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Amber 152d
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Amber 152d
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I am absolutely sick to the bone of protests and strikes Like it is not our fault that you are going through this issue Yes, I understand the purpose But some of these people and these jobs are selfish For instance, doctors and nurses For you fully know well how important your job is And to then go on strike for how many days Knowing full well that people in your job need you I am sorry, but someone who is sitting on a hospital bed Isn't going to be paying your fee And they have the chance of possibly dying Meanwhile, you are going home You are getting in your car, going home and coming back Yes, you might not be able to pay for fuel Okay, you might be able to catch a bus The person in the hospital can't Because they have either broken their leg Or they are having heart problems What could simply be two weeks worth of issues Is now being pushed into four weeks Five weeks Just because doctors are going We are not getting paid enough We can't afford to heat our home These people can't go home Meanwhile, you can simply buy a fan heater And whatever little electric you have You can warm yourself These people can't even go home Meanwhile, you are complaining about it And I am sorry, out of these people Out of the people who are getting paid the least Doctors and nurses are on the very top of that list That will be at the bottom of the pile of getting paid Or getting looked at being paid Because they get way more money than the rest of them The postal service, the railway service The entertainment industry They are the least people that should be getting attention like this
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I agree with you, but this is going to be controversial, but I kind of agree with you at the same time, but like people striking for more money, people should just be grateful that they even got a job to begin with.
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like they're also like striking for better working conditions it's not necessarily just the money like they want better safer patient ratios is basically what I was trying to say
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Listen, I don't know really too much about what's going on about that specific case But what I do know is people will on strikes or whatever and protest because they feel like they're not being Treated the way that they need to be treating. Yes, they have very important jobs But it's the fact that they have to go on strike leave their patients, whatever Because they're not being taken seriously. Why do they need to take such drastic measures just to be heard the first time if they heard Their first request they wouldn't be acting like this So really you should be mad at management for not hearing them out the first time and they have to dress
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My honest opinion, if like, working in like a hospital or something, and if you leave your patients that like, if they're looking after them like, like they're in the hospital dying or something and they just leave them, just to go on straight, I just think that's very fucking selfish of me, like
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Okay, like when you phrase it like that, yeah, that's bad if they're literally walking away from someone like their patients just to go to strike Ideally, I don't and I don't really know if they'd necessarily do it like that because I'm pretty sure there'd be implications If they were to just literally leave their job, but I know they're not just striking for like better money They're striking for better working conditions safer patient ratios because what they're doing right now is really not good It's yeah, it's crazy that they have like One second
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basically what i was trying to say is like i understand why they're going on strike and why they're doing it like it kind of makes sense like for a better working condition so they can give the most updated best type of safe patient care but um when you phrase it like oh they're just leaving the hospital leaving their work knowing that they have very sick patients yeah like i can see how you're saying that's selfish and it's kind of messed up um but i don't necessarily think that they're leaving all their patients
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Yeah, yeah, essentially I respect what you're saying, like I understand where you're coming from too Because obviously they need a strike for like better equipment and stuff like that because the hospitals at the minute are poor And they're not really giving the like the top equipment that they should be having so I understand where you're coming from
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Basically what I'm trying to say is if they were heard the first time by their management and they were taken seriously and their Concerns were were addressed then they wouldn't need to go on strike and do all these things Yeah, if people just negotiated with them in the first time these doctors and nurses wouldn't have had to have such drastic measures But unfortunately, they had to have such drastic measures because they weren't being heard So be mad at management be mad at their bosses
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I'm sorry but I don't care first time second time third time these people can't go home you are getting in your car and driving home to a warm house or cold house I don't care but still you are going home these people aren't and then better patient ratios so yeah okay yeah you might have 15 patients but by did you leave that means someone else has 30 that doesn't make sense
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not to mention like such unsafe practices that are being placed on them like I don't know if you guys have ever seen a person or know anyone in health care but one nurse taking care of nine plus or nine to ten or maybe nine to twelve patients that's a very unsafe very hard amount charting that goes with that the more medication each patient takes not to mention this this condition of the patient how critical they are and they have to kind of like delegate which is extremely hard and these are people's lives unsafe
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Okay, let's put this into context. Add, my life needs to be put at risk to the end of each one of these complaints. Because you don't have safe working conditions, my life now needs to be put at risk. Because you don't have money to heat your home, my life now needs to be at risk. Because you have 15 patients, my life now needs to be put at risk. Because you don't have money to heat your home, my life now needs to be put at risk. Think about this.
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Think about this, put this into context, there is a lack of doctors and nurses, so the current doctors and nurses are going to go on strike, further reducing that number, and then patients who need hospital treatment can't get hospital treatment because they don't have enough doctors and nurses, ok, ok, and then patients who are currently in hospital and are a few weeks of dying can't have treatment because the doctor that should do it is on strike.
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I'm sorry but I think it's really fucking selfish to be striking so frequently as well like you're not the same as a restaurant that can just go on strike because the owner is not paying them enough and you're not the same as a construction site that can just stop building the building just because they're not being paid enough there's more variables to it you can't just leave because you're not getting certain conditions people other people are depending on you if you don't like it don't get the job
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because think about this this is my health on the line not yours so you're paying with my health because you're not getting money and then and that makes you also very unreliable because the moment you don't get a certain percentage of money or because or the more you don't certain criterions don't get met you stop doing your job that makes no sense at all
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All I'm saying is nurse-patient ratios are extremely unsafe and there are more doctors and more nurses are being overworked. They're burnt out. A lot of them are quitting. First grad year nurses, a lot of them are quitting so because they're noticing all the issues in terms of like what the amount of stress they're given. Yeah, it's great they have a job, they should be grateful, but they don't want to lose their license because they're forced to care about way too many people than they can handle and management doesn't seem to care. They like to keep going.
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Like, would you guys want your family member or yourself, let's say you're in a terrible critical condition, would you want a stress out nurse who's worried about eight, nine other patients, including yourself and you guys are all critical? They're going to have to choose who to give the most attention to based off of their condition. Yes, give everyone the same amount of treatment, but it's going to realistically, like you're going to go after who's about to pass out and who can handle being out for it. It's just unsafe. Management doesn't care, they keep adding.
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I work in the health care, and no one's literally walking off from patients when they usually just don't come to work that, you know, the day they're supposed to show up on their shift. In health care, you get paid so little, but you have to do so much work. You're really taking on a job sometimes two to three people minimum, you're taking on a job more than that. When a job says it's supposed to be at least two people, when you're taking a job to three to four people, and you're the only person taking care of 20 people.
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mean literally they lie to you and say we'll give you a raise we'll do this for you we'll you know have benefits and it come time to do it they don't do it um sometimes they will um why or the management is so horrible and crappy like you ask them the first time they don't do it and then the second time comes around you get okay and then third time there's nothing being done to point where everyone's petitioning still nothing's being done so yeah that's how
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Say two or three people are being like two or three people are supposed to be on the floor together. When you're the only one on the floor taking care of 28 people by yourself, and then they expect you to do that type of work. And then they try to give you a McDonald's pay or get pay gas station pay to take care of patients. That's that's not right. You may need to pay people in health care, you risk your life every day coming in there. You know, people don't.
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