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OK sorry for my boys but a kid pooped in the sink and then like grabbed his poop and like it wasn't like no normal poop it was like watery and like Chardy you know and he like put it in front of the door of the bathroom
I know like I was just like I saw it too I like well I don't like see that it was happening I just saw like I saw like the poop on the grounds like in front of the door and I was like like Send
Sometimes the boys go in the girls bathroom the girls gonna boys have a for a whatever reason and one time I went to the girls bathroom and it was like not in piss all over the floor and like on the walls too is like smeared up the wall
That's why I really like your accent and you're really pretty. But anyways, there was like weird stuff that went on too. like people would like pee and nut all over the bathrooms.
They pissed and nutted on the toilet? What the fuck? Is this like a gender neutral toilet? Or did you hear about this? just happening in assembly or something.
So like this one kid slipped on shit that was in like somebody took a shit in the staircase so he stepped on it hurt himself pretty badly and he went to the nurses office covered in shit that's all I know