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That one guy with the sombrero or whatever the taco muncher He up in everybody's comments. I swear to God brown like what the fuck I don't want to see him acquitted.
I don't know it's kind of hard for me to talk like shot anyone cuz I don't really got beef with anyone unless you know I do have beef with them but like not that type of beef like my beef in Thank you.
So my f***ing ex-boyfriend like literally oh my God don't even even even started and I was I was babysitting every time I was with him because he's f***ing baby like his texts are so embarrassing for real
And he's literally one of those guys that's like in love with his mom. Oh my fucking god, don't even get me started. And he sent texts that said I saw we like I had to deal with this for seven months
OK so this guy in Burnaby fat shamed to my friends and then was homophobic to me and one of my friends so like I cursed him out oh yeah he beat me up to diameter that yeah so I custom out and then he got beat up twice once he got stabbed
This bitch ass girl named Vance like who the fuck names a child Vance anyway So she dropped me as a friend because I'm friends with this girl named acorn Which is like hello fuck are you gonna be such a snowflake to drop me? It's because I'm friends with somebody that you don't like. Like golly, gosh.
I think I really depends why doesn't dance like acorn because of a cord to vent have a fucking dirty like you know that and then you're supposedly friends with the dance
She want to cheat on me and shit bitch fuck you I hope man yeah broke up to it that's great man I am I really hope that I have a Nager I hope I hope you felt what I felt Knigge bitch ass Knigge I hope you feel what I feel punk ass hoe stupid bitch
This kid bro he does not stop pulling down my goddamn hoodie bro I get the worst damn was cut in the world bro you do not believe him he gets Luna my little baby got a little golden snitch on this man I'll try to be a snitch but you make me a snitch so yeah
I'm not gonna lie some dude you got my attention but there's one this is one dude where is little emoji has like a sunburn on it he's like Mexican super fucking cute