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Luna 279d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
HuschkaPower 279d
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Kanyeviontavios East
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Henny 277d
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Azima 275d
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Jrue Sixty One
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Nick 279d
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Raine Harris 278d
Raine Harris
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Raine Harris
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Nah, that's crazy. Teaching little kids how to come out? No! They know that they're boy and a girl. Do not confuse their heads. That's stupid. The fuck? You are a bad teacher. You should get... You should go to prison for teaching innocent kids that they don't know what's happening in the real world and you confusing their mind that, oh, they're lesbian, oh, they're gay, oh, they're transsexual, oh, they're pansexual. Damn, get a life, bitch. For real.
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Exactly, it's not changing anything like if I was in that classroom, right? I don't even know what she's talking about I'd be like, what the fuck is this new man? What's she yapping about her? Hey, Tony Do you know what she talking about? Nah, like they're like six or not the fourth way. So they're like ten Like they don't they don't care. They don't even know what you're talking They don't even know how babies are made by like she literally trying to convert them It sounds like cuz like they want the cupcake. So they're obviously gonna say they're gay So there's some weird like conversion thing that she doing
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You do realize that this is just your opinion, right? But in factual terms, the LGBTQ plus community is a real thing. People can be attracted to one gender, their same gender. You know, people can be attracted to more than two genders. It's a normal thing, okay, just in your head. It may not be normalized, and that's fine.
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I think you need to realize that, you know, yes, they know that they're a boy and a girl, but it's also important to let kids know how they feel is also important. So if they don't feel as a boy or as a girl, then that's important too. So realize that because the LGBTQ plus community is a real thing. Your feelings are a real thing. So.
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That's not the point. The point is this teacher is bribing kids with candy so they, you know, come out the closet or something. Like, I don't even know what she was saying. She's kind of teaching kids that they need to, like, be attracted to the same gender when they're kids, which that's not what we need to focus on. Let's focus on other things, you know? And, you know, there's nothing wrong with finding out your sexuality as you grow, you know? You learning that on your own. Teaching them is crazy.
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So yeah, these are elementary school kids like just think about this for a second when you were in a lot in elementary school Did your teacher do this to you? Obviously not sexuality was never a thing. I mean except sex ed in like middle school, but this is This is mind-boggling. Like I am I'm scared. I'm Scared this is so fucked up on so many levels
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I think you missed the entire point. This teacher's not teaching these kids, you know, what their sexuality is. This teacher is teaching them to come out, you know. Like, that's what the teacher's teaching them. At this point, these kids probably know what they like a little bit. A little bit. So, like, I see your point. But, um, like, you know, I think this is wrong, too, but the teacher's not teaching them what they should like.
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I don't know why you're scared, I think you're overthinking it a little bit, but like, um, I get your point, but like, at the end of the day, the teacher isn't teaching these kids what gay, straight, lesbian means. You know, she's just teaching them to come out, you know, of like, their sexuality, what their sexuality is, just to come out. You know, she isn't teaching them that you're gay, you're lesbian, you're straight. She isn't doing all that.
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And honestly I'm glad that this is being spoken about, obviously not this way because, you know, but I'm glad that, you know, sexuality is being taught because, you know, kids need to know that they're allowed to, you know, be gay, lesbian, you know, whatever the fuck they want, you know, I'm glad, but obviously, like, not this way, this is a little weird, like, elementary kids shouldn't be taught this because, you know, they're still figuring their stuff out, but in middle school, you know, middle school, I'd be glad. I'd be glad.
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Buddy, they're in 4th grade. They're 9 years old. No 4th grader is coming out. What are you talking about?
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Okay, so you are rewarding the kids that are gay, cupcakes and everything, but kids that are straight, you don't give them anything. Are you totally deranged? Are you totally like, did you hit your head multiple times? That is completely wrong. You're idiotic. That is stupid. Plus, they're kids. You don't do that. That is unremarkable.
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Are you having a rarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar
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I ain't never want to jump through the screen and kill somebody so bad good as goofy ass bitch Why the fuck is she teaching these kids this shit, bro? Why the fuck is she still allowed to teach? I know one of the motherfuckers have told
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Exactly bro, she blowing my fucking shit, bro. Real shit, I don't give a fuck if she a bitch, I'll beat her ass on God. I don't give a fuck if my kid straight or gay, like you shouldn't be teaching any kid about sexual, any sexual shit. Like, bitch, learn them fucking numbers, what's two plus two, bitch? Fuck Roach, get the fuck out my face with that goofy shit.
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I think you are sick. Taking a child and putting him in the closet and decide whether he's... You sick. You need Jesus in your life.
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What kind of **** mania shit is she talking? What? I didn't have to think about that. What are these kids doing to you that you would... Oh my god. Somebody need to take her license away. That's some fucked up shit she's trying to teach.
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It's fucking wild how many people in these comments don't know that this is satire. Like, that's fucking alarm- alarming, bruh.
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Yo, Drew, stop hating on my soundbite, bruh. It's my fault they can't tell it's fake like WWE, you're asshole, yeah. Fact's one.
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Bro, on some real shit, at the end of the day, this is reality. This is not no fucking TV show at all, bro. You don't play about certain shit, like, you feel me? And I think sooner or later, people that go online and just do random shit like this are going to find out the hard way, like, you just don't do certain shit you don't post, you don't do, like, as if you were in person. You feel me? Like, this shit don't fly with anybody, like, come on. And it's starting to push the limit, and some...
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Bro, I swear, these, bro, these stupid ass teachers, man. Like, what the fuck, what the fuck is this teacher doing? She doesn't know anything. She literally, so you reward the gay kids for coming out with stuff, that's fine. But you don't reward the straight kids? Like, bro. Plus, also, as someone said, they are kids. Like, that's just messed up. Like, what the hell?
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