So something that I know a lot of people find entertaining is reading the comment section of a post. And oftentimes you'll find people fighting. And I just want to ask what's a crazy situation you read between two or more people? Because I've read quite a few, but I think the top one would have to be to call out a cheater. And then like the other woman or other guy jumping in, like, oh my goodness. Like, and it turned into like a digital brawl. I was like, wow, like, whoa, and take it out of the comment section and have it in your DMS or meet in person. Like, I think some things are taken way too far. And in that case, that was insane. Uh, but yeah, if you've ever really, I mean, come on, we've all witnessed something. I would love to hear a situation or two that really made your jaw drop.