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Kyliez 285d
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Xavier 283d
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Kvッ 283d
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Alí 283d
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Christian Santana
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So, imagine this. You have a friend that's been around for a very long time, you guys obviously acknowledge one another, you guys like each other's pictures and whatnot, but what do you do when a longtime friend's Instagram stories are bothering you? I'm not talking about a one-time thing, I'm talking about, like, consistently. Like, their stories are just giving you the ick, or it's just, like, annoying you or making you feel jealous, like, do you mute them? Do you unfollow them? Do you just look at it and scroll past? Like, how do you handle something like that? Because I feel like it's so easy to unfollow if you don't really know the person or you weren't following them for a long time, but if this is somebody that's been in your life for a very long time, like, maybe since you guys were little kids, like, how would you handle that? For me, I feel like I would want to look. I know that sounds a little weird, like, I would want to see what's up and just acknowledge it for two seconds and move on. Like, I don't really get that bothered over someone's social media content unless they're posting something that's, like, really harmful, then I'm like, oh, whoa, yeah, like, this has got to go. And in that case, it's more like mute them until I feel more comfortable getting back on and seeing what their content is again. But that's just me, but I'm just curious how you would handle a situation like that.
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so i have this going on right now i have this friend that's been dating this dude for a month and she's non-stop talking about him all the time every day all the like every day all day and i'm i'm trying to ignore it so
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Well, honestly, I really don't even look at people's stories like I used to I mean well actually Not at all because I remember It used to be I kind of like look at people's stories When if it was someone new who was following me or I was following them And I wanted to know what they were talking about with their posts and stuff like that but now i'm just kind of like I don't care because it's kind of irrelevant depending on who it is
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I just ignore it. I don't tap on it. I'll wait to tap on it like way later after the 24 hours expires But there was a time They don't do it anymore, but there was like a whole month or a couple of months where Instagram was asking me Do you want the person to see that you saw their story? Because if you look at your stories, you'll see who saw it and you can actually hide yourself So they won't know if you saw it or not
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I'll just mute their ass.
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You should ask yourself why it bothers you, like for real, because when things bother you, they have to have like, there's a reason behind it, you know, either it's upsetting or you're jealous, you know, I don't know. Everyone posts random things, not everything's gonna be your thing. You always can mute them if you want, but yeah, you should just ask yourself why is it bothering you, especially if it's your friend.
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