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Do's, respect each other's boundaries, love each other, treat it like a pre-practice to marriage, and honor God. Yeah, 100% that's a lesson. Don'ts, no premarital activity, no switching up on each other, no discriminating or hatred, no...
All these cats over here giving this advice to you but then nobody said this hey man just be you all right so that whenever you get tired of putting on the show or pretending to be somebody that you're not and then the person's the other person sees your true colors they don't feel like you switched up on them all right just be just be you man keep it a hundred percent you and don't put no show on don't try to be somebody that you're not
Whatever the first person said to do don't well for one just Try and have fun be nice Actually commit to the relationship. Don't cheat. Don't lie. Don't backstab. Don't do any of that shit. Don't Worry too much. Don't you know? Like just be normal be how you are in our friendship But in a relationship and yeah, you'll be fine