While you are waiting for the best in the life of those around you, remember that you can also say and wish for yourself all the delicious, beautiful and best of life. I could not imagine what kind of life, month, week, day you have had so far, but I hope that something unexpectedly good happens to you, even if it is the smallest. I hope that something makes you laugh when you least expect it. I hope that something you thought was going to be ordinary and mediocre, ends up being delicious. I hope that something good that happened years ago lights up in your memory and warms your being. I hope that you do not feel pressured to make sense and recognize all the good right away. I hope that something within you recognizes, however small it may be, that there is still time and space to soften you and simply honor you and be. Simply receive it and be grateful for it, allowing it to give you courage and energy to share with everyone else. I hope many things. At this moment, I hope that something unexpectedly good finds you in this new season, even if it is the smallest.