How do you handle friends who stopped talking to you in the case of, for example, they got in a relationship and went MIA, or, you know, they're not really being around as much as they used to, or they're straight up not communicating at all? Like, how do you handle that? Like, would you call them up and try to meet up and see, like, what's going on? Or would you let things go and see how it plays out? I'm just curious, because for me personally, like, I have to get to the bottom of it. Like, I need to resolve it. So I would do my best to reach out and try to meet up for coffee or a shopping trip or just something where it's a much more casual setting and just hearing them out. Because maybe, you know, you did something that made them upset and they decided not to tell you what it was. And it's a good chance to clear the air. But if they're not willing to, then, yeah, it's just best to move on. Let me know where you stand.