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Jay β€’ 542d
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Eternal β€’ 541d
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Seriously though, you are not responsible for other people's moods or behaviors. You're not. No one is responsible for yours and you're not responsible for theirs. They need to take responsibility for themselves and work on improvement. And if you're dating someone who's not working on improving themselves, I mean, I guess you do you, but that doesn't sound like a good thing, keep that in mind. And if you constantly feel like you're being held responsible for that, that's a toxic relationship, that's not healthy, that's abuse. Just seek help when you can, when you feel safe, and get out. And if you constantly find yourself in those types of relationships, situations, things like that, I recommend seeing a therapist and trying to work through that, because it's seriously my biggest motto in life. Life is too fucking short. Live it to the fullest. Only include people in your life that are going to improve it. And add positivity, you know? Life's too short.
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yeah I actually agree with everything you're saying bro I could not agree with you more life is too fucking short to put up with bullshit if you have or have been in a relationship with someone or in a relationship even if they're friends and they're just a piece of shit like just just leave I don't as soon as I find like just a reasonable toxic trait I'm like I'm gone I'm gone I could tell you a situation I think is pretty funny
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I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a little bit of a tangent, but you know You don't have to listen to it if you don't want to I was uh, I go to college now That's why I haven't been on this app recently I've been trying to you know get my shit together and you know improving my life like you brought up something that I take pride in There's this guy. I tried being friends with and he can't take criticism He's older than me in college a grown-ass adult and cannot take criticism
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I tried to help him by criticizing his art because he's taking a degree so that he can be a fashion designer and I'm like my guy your art could be better and I let him know because I do better art than him I am confident when I say that alright that's that's a factual fucking statement you can look at my art and you can look at his and mine's better definitively I don't know what to say
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So, I know what the fuck I'm talking about, and I'm just trying to help him. He couldn't handle that. And we're- then the very next day after he gets upset about that, and I kinda just drop it, he's sitting there, and we're playing like, um, Cards Against Humanity. It's a game you're probably familiar with, you just say inappropriate and out of line shit to make people laugh. Pretty much in a nutshell what the game is, something that I'm pretty good at, actually. Um, I pretty much won every single time, got most of the black cards.
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Which I said before because at the time he was not only upset about the fact that I didn't like his music He was upset that I criticized his art like you're a grown-ass adult stop expecting me to make you happy and And make you feel good about things that I don't think are true I'm not gonna lie to your face to make you feel better I I care way more about being an honest person because that's what I want people to do to me It's the golden rule. You know what I mean?
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Anyways, I'm done ranting. I just wanted to tell that little story. I thought you might find it interesting or maybe someone might find it interesting. Again, you don't have to listen to all of it. It's a pretty long story and I get it if you're not here right now listening to shit. I talk a lot, like I do, because I care about being concise and getting everything out when communicating. Making it very clear.
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