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Jordana 555d
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Naomi Calderon
Alyssa Kunz 548d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Naomi Calderon
Naomi Calderon
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Hey, mama's quick question. Do you really think men understand? What we go through as women to be pregnant for nine months and give birth? Because I really don't think they comprehend the whole load and the toll that it takes on us women and I honestly feel like they kind of push it over and just kind of Think of it as like oh, it's just another everyday thing like no But I really want to hear your opinions on it because this is something that has been on my mind that I've been thinking about recently that I'm like I wonder what other women or what other moms think about this
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I feel like they wouldn't understand what we go through physically or mentally like They just don't get it, but I try and make my husband understand because now we have three and then it's not easy.
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Yes girl, I definitely agree with you. I have one so I can only imagine with three God bless because I feel like every time it kind of takes a little piece of you just because it's so demanding. You know what I mean?
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Yes, I completely agree being a mom is extremely demanding, especially when you have tiny humans demanding things from you all day long. It can definitely take a toll on you mentally and physically.
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No I really feel like they wouldn't understand especially being a stay at home mom we have three kids and like I really tried explaining to my husband like how overwhelming it is being a stay at home mom
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And it's like they just don't understand like even like if you try explaining it like the best that she can I still feel like they don't actually like listen
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I wish they would listen and understand like OK she's talking she's getting her feelings out she's venting instead of it gets taken as were complaining about being a mom
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I'm not saying that men will never understand what us moms have to go through I just think that it takes them away while longer than it needs to or should be but I think they'll get them
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I 100% agree with you. I believe because you know the load of parenting isn't naturally like just designated to them at first that they wouldn't really understand.
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And also it's just like the change you went through something so traumatic and not only is it overwhelming at first but you know, you're just learning to navigate through everything. You know what I mean?
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