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Oh, man, everybody want to try something new Then when you end up getting picked up to get to the ER, they just might have a mishap on your ass too, guess what? Double hurt These are so terrible
TT lioness, I'm gonna go ahead and put this out there. I don't think everyone survived Some of these are unsurvivable acts and I want to tell you my favorite was the horse kicking the dude and him just spinning out like like God they drop the guy in the gurney the kid flying through the air I mean and then the guy out my balls just hard to watch hard to watch. Oh, they're ah, okay
All I can say is, humans are fucking stupid sometimes. Oh my god, sometimes we look like the dumbest species on earth. I know these animals be laughing out our asses, I'm just saying. We so fucking dumb. Ugh, lord.
Hey, you definitely got a laugh you ain't lying but you is a lion but you ain't lying, you know What that's a fact laugh, you know saying enjoy your life stop frowning all the time Two reasons bring stress to your heart and you get the motherfucking wrinkles on your forehead from frowning all the time. So great post