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So then turn on the heat if you have one or go under the covers. It's not that deep. Like it's not that deep. You should be in my room. You literally should be in my room.
Why can't you damn nerves handle the motherfucking couch I know we made you an answer good the mouse dry and hot desert I know it I know it but handle some fun
Never mind I know why I don't like the cold anymore if you turning out why and yeah I don't like that yeah I don't want to hear is like a shot don't wanna be like is you want to be some black ass Nager's we know poking rats I don't write
Where oh where oh where fucking fucking sucks sleep A long sleeve shirt or a fucking hoodie to if I have to fucking sometimes and I put the whole He's on
To be honest I can't sleep in the chorus room I can't do that I just I get sick too quick so right now I'm sleeping in my living room right now I'm not gonna lie