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Roku β€’ 320d
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Girl Talk
Lwa β€’ 319d
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Girl Talk
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So with it being breakup season and so many people becoming recently single, what's the best breakup tip you have for someone who is newly single? Because for me the thing I'm thinking the most of is for them to do something they wanted to do, like traveling. Like if they wanted to go to a certain destination but just kept, you know, pushing it off, it's a great time to go to rediscover and reconnect with yourself and find things that you want to do, right? I'm trying to think of other ones but yeah, my mind is going straight to travel. But yeah, let's just help out people who are newly single.
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Good evening, Girl Talk. Shout out to you. Thank you for another amazing post. So one of the best pieces of advice that I received when I began the process of divorce was self-care and getting to know myself better. So I put myself on lockdown and what that means is...
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And what that means is I took myself off of the market and I dated myself. I'm still dating myself, you know, I've gotten to know myself in a lot of amazing ways. And, you know, it's really helped my healing journey. I'm also celibate by choice. And that has really helped immensely in keeping me centered and grounded on my healing.
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So I would personally recommend other people that are either going through a separation, pursuing divorce, or that have had a breakup, right, that doesn't require, you know, an official document to be signed to say, hey, you're done with this person. I would recommend like take yourself off the market for a little bit, focus on you, heal, you know, and then put yourself back out when you're ready.
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And I think it's super important for people to acknowledge that there is no timeline, there is no time limit on how long a person takes themself off the market. I've been off the market for over two years, I've been celibate by choice for over two and a half years. And while I do entertain the ideas of dating from time to time, I'm definitely not like 100% closed down on it at this point, however.
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However, I am also acknowledging that I should follow the beat of my own drum, and I shouldn't rush the process. So this has helped me not entertain people that have come into my life that seemed to be okay, but then really they turn out to be not for me, and I didn't have to learn the hard way. So that's been important for me. So I respect myself enough to stay on the lockdown.
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I absolutely love the time and energy you put into this answer to not only help those who are in need of hearing this advice, but also doing some self-reflection, because what you talked about, dating yourself, is so important. It's something I reiterated time and time again on my own page right here, right now. And, no, for real, I really appreciate you being incredibly honest. That's something that not a lot of people do these days. So, again, all the more love and respect for you.
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Okay, so as cliche as it sounds, keep yourself busy. I remember back in college, when I broke up with my boyfriend, I had good friends and schoolwork, right? I made sure to be as invested as I could in school. Like, I didn't even like school to be honest, but I just did it. And also, I used to hang out with my friends from 4-7. That's what I did. So that made the whole thing a little easier, you can say. So yeah, I would recommend that.
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I did the same thing when I had a college breakup. Keeping yourself busy does wonders because not only do you discover new things that you enjoy, but you revisit things that, you know, you haven't really gone around to in years. Like for me, it was playing music, so getting back into music meant everything to me.
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