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Fabiola β€’ 265d
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Girl Talk
Tagenrodriguez β€’ 264d
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Girl Talk
Hyper F β€’ 264d
Hyper F
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Girl Talk
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
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Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔���N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Cylin John Alin β€’ 263d
Cylin John Alin
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So whether this is a friendship breakup or someone you were romantically involved with like a full-blown relationship, friends with benefits, situationship, whatever, what was the reason? Because for me, I was in a serious relationship and we parted ways. There was a lot of different reasons, but the biggest one was definitely due to differences that we wanted in our lives. Like I wanted to go down a certain pathway, he wanted to go down his certain pathway, and it just could not work out with us wanting to go after our dreams and being together. I do wish him all the best, and from what I've heard and seen, things are going great for him. And you know, I'm very thankful that I was able to pursue what I wanted to do after my goals and dreams. So again, it worked out in the end for us to be better apart than together. But yeah, I'm pretty civil with him, again, all is well, but I know that's not everyone's case. So if you want to share more details, feel free, but you don't have to.
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My ex-boyfriend Ashton was cheating on me with my best friend and then I saw them at Starbucks holding hands and then they talking about me. You fat, you ugly. Yeah, they talking about that to me in my face.
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I do want to say, first and foremost, I really hope you're okay, because not only just witnessing them together, but dealing with insult is so not okay, and, you know, honestly, you're better off.
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Cuz this girl Destiny, she was my best friend, but she was telling lies about him and I don't really know why But that's that's really why
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Okay I don't want to assume anything about Destiny but I will say speaking from what I have dealt with in the past whenever people say things that are mean or you know rumor filled it's based off insecurities so there's probably a chance that that had happened. Now I'm not her I don't know her and who knows maybe we'll never know the truth to that but it does happen I do want you to be aware of it and that you're not alone.
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Was this picture taken at Trader Joe's?
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To answer your question, yes, this picture was taken at Trader Joe's. I also wanted to promo it in this post because their flower selection is incredibly affordable and it doesn't hurt to buy yourself flowers. So there you go.
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Shout out to you, Girl Talk. I love your posts, by the way. And the background, ooh, I love me some good flowers. Um, so the last friendship that ended, the reason why I ended the friendship is because this person didn't have respect for me. They would be friends with me behind the scenes, but when they wanted to be Miss Popular, they disregarded me.
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I gave this person many chances to improve their behavior even down to saying hey you know I've noticed this XYZ thing you're doing what can I do to help you fix the problem and she'd be like oh you know it's not what it looks like or blah blah blah and I'm just like yeah you know what last straw was pulled and I was like you know what I deserve to be respected
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I also ended the one-year friendship because she always made things about herself. She hardly ever cared about me. You know, she was always expecting me to pour into her cup, but she wouldn't pour into my cup. I walked away from the friendship with me knowing way more about her than she ever really took the time to get to know about me, which she never did.
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Her reaction towards me ending our friendship was incredibly toxic. She made up a bunch of lies about me to bolster her ego and to bolster her up. However, she has burned many bridges with a lot of people and there is a reason why there's a trend. That's all I'm going to say on that. I wish her well in life. My life is better without her. So, cheers to that.
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I don't believe that she is inherently a bad person. I just think that there are certain character flaws that I'm not willing to put up with, that we don't vibe with together. And you know I'm on my own healing journey and I'm really trying to make space for people that are good for me, people that should be in my life. That will be a two-way respect street, you know, between the two of us.
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I don't spend my time talking about this person even when she spread all kinds of lies about me I just let it go to the wayside because everything she said about me is untrue and it doesn't place a definition on who I am as a person I'm sad that she handled herself that way in the face of disappointment but you know it is what it is and I've moved on with my life
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I do see her around from time to time and when I do I am respectful to her. I am civil you know I don't gossip about her behind her back or you know bring up any old news with her you know I just stay in the present. I do wish her well in life you know I hope she meets her goals in life and you know continues to shine so.
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Anything that she says about me, any weapon she attempts to form against me shall not and will not prosper. I know her feelings were hurt when I ended the friendship but you know she hurt me first and I deserve to be respected and to be in a healthy friendship and I'm not going to settle for less and I hope one day she can reflect on that.
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My hope for her is that she will one day sit down with herself and be in her flaws. Focus on why she's burned through so many friendships, you know, and that she will work on that part of herself. You know, so she can become a better woman and a better friend to everyone else that she's friends with. Because, you know, that would improve her life.
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I also ended my friendship with her because I felt like she was too messy. She would have her friends, she even tried this with me, she would have her friends go under, quote unquote, undercover for her to, you know, essentially go in to see what her enemies were up to. And then when her friends got caught doing that, she wouldn't be around to like advocate for them.
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So, in a lot of ways, I felt like I was in a friendship with a high schooler instead of an adult, and that's truly alarming because this woman was older than me.
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I only ever had one relationship because of this person I never will love again. I loved them a lot. Until I saw them kick their cat. I... I never, never forgave them for kicking their cat. Poor little thing.
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