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Really pretty really cute I just hope these ****** don't say nothing char of them because they have a bias on what people are supposed to look like here and they have no filter so
I don't know if your mama abandoned you or dropped you on your head I'm in it's obvious like your dad wasn't in your life like I don't know if you like you're a little sassy like in the LGBTQ but it's obvious like your life is really sad and you don't know how to live your life so
The only thing you got my dad my mom and motherfucking up being a homophobe is that all you got you big bitch wanna big mouth you sound hungry here it's some food here you go here go you bitch
I know you see you the type of boy that still asks themself why don't I have a girlfriend bitch Fucking fix the way you act bitch. Don't fucking treat woman like that bro. Fucking fix yourself up
This is like the third read me I seen you motherfuckers arguing and a fuck it whatever you wanna call it shit yeah boo shut the fuck up like honestly well if you need to shut the fuck up and get together whatever fuck you doing
Not that good looking and you so I've got no filter but why ask why asked to be rated if you can't deal with the fact that some people are going to find your ugly I bet someone out your things on shift she's attractive but I just don't and I'm in a systematic psycho
If you made ten bucks every time you did suck, I ain't gonna lie you with a venom. But you brought in you dirty, get your chick up I look hey that bitch I do it, pick y'all bitches
I FUCKING HATE THIS AT BREATH She's not trying to show off the booty, bruh She's trying to show off Like, it's like a pose These bitches are dumb as shiii-
I'll probably do all your motherfucking mouth bitch I'm a let you know my mouth but I'm gonna get in your motherfucking mouth and meet you that you like
Goddamn bro, why you feel like that? You ugly as shit. You feel like a Tim for your chocolate ball. Goddamn you ugly ass fool. Get the fuck out of here