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Honestly, I've never heard this one before, but I think the biggest green flag that I've ever seen for many, like, man, would be, um, like, being a gentleman, like, off the bat, but like, not stopping, you know, always being a gentleman. Yeah
Like I'm the type of person like I enjoy not spoiling but like treating my significant other well and like if I don't get that reciprocated even in the talking stage it's like weird
When they don't breathe when they don't live when they don't have a phone on their respect your mother they don't have friends they're ugly yeah there's a green bags
Honestly, personally, it's like when you can go through the Instagram and they don't really be following Instagram models like that because I don't know, that's kind of like an ick for me and it's also like a green flag And when they don't get praised for the bare minimum, you know?
Green flag for me is when someone is willing to do something that you're interested in even if they may not want to do it they just affected I love you enough to be around you I just wanna spend time with you and learn what you like that you may love that's a green flag
Another simple one is when they are willing to learn your language because men and women have a tendency to speak to different languages our issue is not communication because we talk all day to each other but we don't know each other's language is the comprehension can you understand what I'm saying