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Jeirymar Quintero Lopez
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I love kindergarten, but 2022 is still going to be my favorite year. Why? Because it was the best year, in my opinion. And that year, I remember a guy had a crush on me. I didn't like him, though. He had a crush on me. And he was like the person who never talked and stuff. But I knew he had a crush on me. Because I was the only person he actually talked to. I know that isn't really an excuse, but at the end of the school year,
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At the end of the school year he told me and I actually rejected him and then he like looked away and stuff and when he looked back he looked like he had tears in his eyes and I said I'm sorry but I don't like you and then he said let me guess you have a crush on the popular boys and the thing is is that he was right.
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Yeah, I miss kindergarten too. Really, I miss high school too. Really, to be honest, I don't miss high school. I hated it. I got so happy when I got out. And then, all the memories, I'm so sad because all the memories I had in that school, in high school, but then at the same time, I'm glad I'm out of that jail. And at the same time, I'm sad because I'm going to college.
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Well, the thing is is that I got to go to like a really cool high school like half the kids are all kind none of them are rude and I'm friends like everyone technically so Not everyone because some people hate me because I'm friends with a lot of people, but I'm like one of like the popularly Okay, I mean popular person people oh my god, I keep saying things wrong what is wrong with me
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