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Because of anyone else look on the app like I physically cannot get out of this app like there is a something possessed my body making me stay on this app
Go to the last love called me so fucking off guards when I I've been scrolling on this app and just replies everything I see and seeing if I get attention from it 'cause I thrive up for tension I love attention like attention to
I'm hoping, like I like it so far, I've only been on it for like an hour, but I'm hoping it's like better than TikTok for me because I need to get off of TikTok.
I think this is better than TickTock because it feels like people can actually be comfortable and speak their minds here and be funny and whatever random humor way they want to cause we can be whoever we want to be here
Honestly if some people have the reaction to get mad at what you say then what you're saying is probably worth saying if it has that device a very of a reaction then go you